![La Conversión](https://bibliologos.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/05/La-Conversion.png)
La Conversión ¿Lo que una iglesia cree sobre cómo las personas se convierten en cristianos cambia la forma en que hacemos evangelismo?
En este conciso libro, Michael Lawrence explica la doctrina de la conversión y nos ayuda a considerar la relación entre lo que creemos sobre cómo se salva la gente y nuestro enfoque para compartir el evangelio en el contexto de la iglesia local.
Los lectores de este libro comprenderán cómo la iglesia local debe participar en el proceso de conversión a través de medios ordinarios, como la predicación bíblica y las relaciones intencionales.
The way a church operates says a lot about how they believe people are saved. When a church truly embraces the Bible’s teaching on conversion, they will call people to repentance and faith – not just one-time decisions, therapeutic healings, or moral lifestyles.
This short book was written to help churches rightly understand the difference that a biblical doctrine of conversion should make for teaching, evangelism, discipling, membership, and every other facet of the life of a local church.
«If there is a subject that Satan has tried to confuse people about, it is the nature of true conversion. What better way to get religious people to land in hell than by letting them think they are converted when in fact they are not? Michael Lawrence has clarified this matter for us by building up from the oft-forgotten truth of regeneration, which is the foundation of conversion. He ends with the practical implications of this truth when held in biblical proportions.»?
– Conrad Mbewe, Pastor, Kabwata Baptist Church, Lusaka, Zambia
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